Thursday, November 24, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Pumpkin hat

Yesterday I made a pumpkin hat for my granddaughter.  The pattern is from Snappy Tots.  She had a pattern sale and I bought this and at least four others.  Her patterns are whimsical and fun, so glad her bag pattern caught my eye.  I am trying to decide whether to make my grandson a pumpkin hat or one of her monster hats.  Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Doily for my daughter's birthday.  The pattern is from Crochet Memories.  She has some great patterns and not just for doilies.

This one was fun to make.

Friday, September 9, 2016

It's been a really hot summer, lots of days over 90 degrees.    We haven't had much rain either.  Not many of my flowers did too good this year.  The portulacas have done great though and they got pretty big this year.  We have morning glories everywhere; they are growing in the yard, in a crack in the cement on our porch, and across the porch roof!

Here's my baby enjoying some sunshine. (It was only 80 degrees)

I've been crocheting a lot lately, especially doilies.  (I still have socks on my needles though.)  I absolutely love Polly Plum's Lotus Tile Afghan and I've started that too.

Monday, June 6, 2016


I got off to a slow start on Tour-de-sock, but I finally finished up some wip's and I'm working on the heel of sock one.

I finished these...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.  I usually always make my mom something handmade, but this year I didn't.  We gave her a gift card to Panera's, Gerber daisies and a bottle of wine.   I am making  her some scrubbies,  they are just going to be a bit late.  I found some of the Red Heart scrubby yarn in Joann's the other day and can't wait to see how it works.  

Thursday, April 28, 2016

So cold today!  I've been working on my "Sophie's Universe."  Pictures to come.  Maddy's socks are finished, i just have to finish mine.

Friday, April 22, 2016


The weekend is finally here!  Spent the day outside.  Can you spot the toad in this picture?